Volleyball Nova Scotia (VNS) sets the rules and policies for the tryout process in Nova Scotia. Their full policy can be found here.

Re-offering Period: November 10 - 15
During this period we are permitted to send offers to players from the previous year. New players can also be sent an offer, or send an expression of interest to play with the club.

We typically utilize this period to fill at least half of our rosters for the upcoming season. Players can receive an offer for a position on a specific team, or an offer which will guarantee a roster spot within in club. Then, we utilize the Tryout Period to evaluate offered players to pick teams.

Tryout Period (December 8 - 16)
We will utilize this period to fill remaining open roster spots on our teams. This means we will:

  • evaluate players who have accepted an offer to be in the club to determine which team they will be on

  • evaluate new players who tryout for open roster spots

  • evaluate new players who tryout for open roster spots